Censeo-Sponsored Cost-Cutting Sessions Draw a Packed House at EIG 2013

Censeo Consulting Group was the underwriter of two popular breakout sessions on the Cost Cutting theme at 2013 Excellence in Government Conference. Each session was kicked off by the members of Censeo management team and a great line-up of speakers addressed to a packed audience. You can view each session in their entirety below:

Session I – Driving Efficiency in Operations


Description: As budget cuts loom, achieving operational efficiency is more important than ever. Finding ways to create better-functioning processes, teams, and financial practices shouldn’t feel like a Herculean effort — and help is out there. Join a community of managers looking for solutions to the most challenging operational issues of the moment. Learn how leaders can most effectively make changes in their organizations to start cutting costs and creating more effective, streamlined organizations.

Moderator: Dana Grinshpan, Research Manager, Government Business Council

Speakers: Rhea Suh, CFO and Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management & Budget, Department of the Interior, Thom Terwilliger, Chief Learning Officer, FDIC, Peggy Sherry, CFO, Department of Homeland Security

Session II – Cutting Costs, Not Mission: A DoD Case Study


Description: In the government-wide drive to reduce costs while meeting missions, the Defense Department’s logistics and transportation commands offer examples of real progress. Vice Admiral Mark D. Harnitchek, who heads the Defense Logistics Agency, has told his staff that “we’re setting aggressive goals that will significantly improve support to our customers while dramatically driving down operations and material costs.” VADM Harnitchek came to DLA from the U.S. Transportation Command, where, as deputy commander, he also led a successful effort to rein in costs. He will offer lessons for succeeding in today’s austere environment.

Speaker: VADM Mark Harnitchek, Director, Defense Logistics Agency