7 Steps for Enabling Acquisition Success
The Procurement Process Isn’t Easy
The most common obstacles to successful acquisitions
Conflicting Stakeholder
priorities due to limited resources and inefficiencies between contracting and the program
A Complex Acquisition Process
rife with required steps, approvals and, documents that are difficult to understand can lead to the process becoming the focus over outcomes
Underleveraged Vendor Capabilities
Inadequately Define Requirements
due to a poorly defined scope that causes a misalignment between program needs and contractor capabilities/performance
Best Procurement Practices
Define Desired Outcomes
Build A Checklist and A Plan
The acquisition process is not one size fits all. And it can’t be done well without enough time. Begin by building a project plan that includes a list of key acquisition documents that you need to put together and a realistic roadmap to get there. Establish milestones and timelines that will guide progress and accountability to ensure things keep moving forward
Assemble the Right People
Conduct Deep Market Analysis
Leverage externally available information and research to build a comprehensive understanding of the market. Use vendor interviews, analyst reports, and secondary market research to build a fact base of what the market offers, how it delivers it, and who the potential suppliers are
Engage Suppliers Early
Engage suppliers throughout all phases of the acquisition, right from the beginning. There are some things you can and can’t do but don’t shy away from engaging suppliers out of compliance fear. The FAR both allows and encourages meaningful engagement with the vendor base. They are often the ones best positioned to help you understand how to maximize the taxpayer value generated by the procurement
Define the Right Requirements
Get Insights from Experts
You don’t have to go at it alone