3 Steps to Increase Your Agency’s FITARA Incremental Development Score

In our last blog, we addressed three steps your agency can take to get a better MEGABYTE grade on the FITARA scorecard.  In the second installation of this series, we address steps your agency can take to improve your Incremental Development score.

Agencies have historically struggled to implement IT projects on time and on budget.   Recent research suggests this is due to agency’s use of waterfall development practices, where complex IT systems are developed over the course of several years and then released to users “all at once”.   Commercial firms have found that this approach is inherently risky, and often leads to cost-overruns and systems that do not keep pace with changing user needs.

Instead, the commercial sector has embraced Incremental Development (which is a key tenant of Agile Software Development).  With incremental development, value is delivered to end-users on a regular basis, giving IT teams a chance to test their solutions, speed time-to-value, and quickly course-correct if something goes wrong (which is almost always does).   These principles are the basis for the  “Incremental Development” dimension of the FITARA scorecard.

GAO (The U.S. Government Accountability Office)  recently reviewed the incremental development processes of 24 federal agencies. They found that 21 out of 24 agencies had major challenges which hindered their ability to successfully deploy incremental development principles. In fact, only four of the 24 agencies had a well defined incremental development processes in place.

And although fully implementing incremental development is a major undertaking, Censeo has identified a few steps your agency can take to improve your incremental development grade on the next FITARA scorecard.

Step 1: Identify Major IT Investments

The first step is to analyze your IT Investments and determine which projects are the best candidates for incremental development:

Step 2: Plan in Six Month Increments

Once you have selected your projects, you need to deliver value to users on a regular basis. Here are some best practices to follow:

Step 3: Track and Report Progress

Finally, figure out how you and your team can track and report progress. Here are a few ways to stay on top of this:

If you are interested in receiving more details on how Censeo can help your organization get more Agile, contact us today to set up a consultation.

Interested in seeing Iterative Systems methodology in action? Read our case study about how Censeo used an iterative process to be more effective and efficient.