Censeo Consulting Group Facilitates AMARC Workshop: Developing a BYOD Framework on March 6

Workshop Developed to Examine BYOD Policy from the Government and Industry Perspective

Please note: due to weather, this event was rescheduled from January 21st to March 6-7, 2014.

Washington, D.C., January 16, 2014–Censeo Consulting Group’s Kareem El-Alaily will be facilitating an Advanced Mobility Academic Research Center (AMARC) Workshop titled, “Developing a BYOD Framework” on Thursday, March 6 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC. The workshop is a pre-summit activity taking place prior to the Federal Mobile Summit on January 22 at the Ronald Reagan Building.

On May 23, 2012, the White House delivered the Digital Government Strategy entitled “Digital Goverment: Building a 21st Century Platform to Better Serve the American People.” The strategy is a plan for Federal agencies to deliver better digital services to the American People, including Veterans, their families and stakeholders, as well as the VA workforce.

“This workshop will be very informative to federal agency legal and policy experts discussing BYOD in the context of the state of federal policy with the discussion on implementation challenges, and how to overcome them,” said Mr. El-Alaily. “It will be interactive eliciting feedback from the audience regarding their objectives, concerns, and experience.”

As part of that Digital Government Strategy, a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Toolkit was released by the White House in August 2012 to modernize technology and increase the use of mobile technologies throughout the Federal government. This toolkit was created for Federal agencies contemplating the implementation of BYOD programs and was based on lessons learned from successful BYOD programs launched at other agencies. This interactive AMARC workshop will examine BYOD policy from the Government and Industry perspective, discuss the Federal legal environment of BYOD, provide BYOD case studies and conclude with a collaborative workshop where participants will create the rough framework for a BYOD policy.

Media inquiries, please contact Courtney Boyce at cboyce@censeoconsulting.com