Seeing is Believing: Translating a Mission into Day-to-Day Operational Performance Metrics


The client, a federal agency employing hundreds of thousands of employees and serving more than 20 million constituents, was undergoing an agency-wide strategy transformation to better deliver services and benefits to its constituents. The client brought Censeo to design a performance measurement framework and tool, providing a top-level “executive” view that linked progress of the agency’s overall mission, goals, and priorities with its day-to-day operations led by frontline employees.


Censeo conducted a rapid diagnostic of the agency’s existing system for tracking success of its transformation strategy. After assessing the strength of this system, Censeo developed a performance measurement approach of cascading hierarchies of metrics and targets that illustrated how daily operational outcomes can drive broader agency objectives. The first tier of enterprise-level metrics linked to the agency’s vision and strategic objectives, providing visibility to overall business performance across services. Censeo then aligned the agency’s enterprise- level metrics to critical initiatives and existing performance dashboards, measuring operational performance and overall enterprise performance against goals.